Creativation® Educator Information

Education | April 4 - 5, 2025
Seattle, WA  | The Westin Seattle, 1900 5th Ave, Seattle, WA 98101

Join NAMTA in bringing creativity into the classroom. Creativation by NAMTA 2025 will host two days of education offered to all members on April 4 - 5, 2025. As we quickly approach Creativation, we are ready to hear from you about your ideas and products to add to our education roster. Please Note: Education at Creativation by NAMTA will be hosted at the host hotel, The Westin Seattle. 


All proposals must be submitted by November 15, 2024. All information, images, and attachments for your Workshops and Business Seminars must be submitted via proposal. Information sent through email will not be applied to your proposal. If you are submitting a proposal you must be available to present on either education date. 

Business Seminars


Product Workshops

Foster education through the sharing of new ideas, information, and successes in the form of panel discussions, seminars, and more.

Submit Business Seminar Proposal


Lead hands-on product technique classes where attendees gain product insight and make one or more finished projects.

Submit Product Workshop Proposal



Fees and Pricing
There are no fees associated with presenting Business Seminars. Workshops can be sponsored by any NAMTA member or non-member exhibitor. Exhibiting members may submit their application even if membership fees and exhibiting contracts have not been finalized.* See below for workshop pricing. Please note, additional charges may apply for supplemental AV or electrical needs.

  • Exhibiting and Creative Professional Members: $500/Workshop
  • Non-exhibiting Members: $2,500/Workshop
  • Exhibiting Non-Member: $5,000/Workshop

 All contracts and fees associated with exhibiting must be completed and submitted to NAMTA by the applicable deadline date. For more information on exhibiting, contact [email protected].

*Any sponsorship opportunities for business seminars will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

Exhibitor Responsibilities 
All communication and payment must be coordinated through one coordinator, even if there are co-sponsors. Please designate one person who will be the primary contact person on behalf of the Workshop/Business Seminar Sponsor.
We recommend a minimum of two instructors per product workshop. A representative from each sponsoring company is encouraged to be present during the class. As the workshop coordinator, please ensure that all instructors, co-sponsors, and additional workshop staff receive and understand all instructions. For business seminars, there must be one representative/speaker per class.

Services and Amenities
Each classroom will only include the AV needs submitted on the application form. Sponsors who require additional electrical outlets MUST specify at the time of their application the wattage for the tool and indicate if giving one tool per person or one per table. Please note, electrical hook-up requests for every 2-person table, or added after confirmations are sent, may incur a fee and/or may alter the scheduled workshop time and/or room.

Product Shipping, Storage, and Delivery to Classroom
Coordinators will receive an email when the Workshop Shipping Kit is available for download. This Shipping Kit will include instructions for labeling and shipping materials for your Workshop to The Westin Seattle. Please adhere to these instructions to ensure a smooth workshop experience. Do not include your workshop materials with your exhibitor freight as it may not arrive in time for your workshop.
NAMTA will provide, free of charge, all Workshop drayage if the exhibiting sponsor(s) use the provided labels within the Shipping Kit. Sponsors who do not use these labels will be responsible for all costs associated with moving products from their booths to the classroom and will be billed separately for any labor used.

Indemnity and Liability
The Sponsor/Presenter agrees to indemnify and hold NAMTA and its directors, officers, employees, agents and members, harmless with respect to any and all claims, losses, damages, liabilities, judgments, or settlements, including reasonable attorney’s fees, costs, and other expenses incurred by NAMTA arising or related to: (i) the violation or breach of any term or condition of the agreement between the parties or any of these 2025 Education Rules & Regulations by the Sponsor/Presenter, its employees and agents; (ii) any activities, including copyright infringement, defamation, or slanderous content, conducted by the Sponsor/Presenter during the 2025 Education presentations; or (iii) negligent acts or gross misconduct of the Sponsor/Presenter while in attendance at the Education Presentations. The rights and responsibilities established in this paragraph shall survive indefinitely the termination of the Agreement.

In addition, Sponsors will be liable for any damage caused to the convention center’s building, floors, walls and columns, or to the property of any other company.

Contact Information
We encourage workshop sponsors to collect contact information in the event that the instructors/workshop sponsors wish to send class participants materials after the workshop. Upon request, NAMTA can provide contact name, company name, city, state, email address, and buyer type. However, we do not support the use of attendee lists to be used for purposes not directly associated to the workshop.

QUESTIONS? Contact Savannah Davis at [email protected] for more information.